Using StrategyXtender with MultiCharts64 Portfolio Trader
MultiCharts Portfolio Trader can be used to automate the trading of an entire stock portfolio with StrategyXtender, and manage all trading signals to your selected trade publisher, such as Collective2. In the example below, we have configured four stocks (AA, AAPL, ABT, and ABX) in MultiCharts64 Portfolio Trader:
Only one copy of _tsSignalCopier is required to trade each portfolio.
Configuration Steps:
- In Portfolio Trader, add _tsSignalCopier to the Signals section, along with your own signals
- Set TradeSymbol to "" (empty)
- Set Symbol Type to "stock"
- Set OrderQty to 0 (Quantity will be set by Portfolio Trader)
Restrictions: All instruments to be traded must be stocks.
Here is the partial list of signals sent to Collective2 automatically by StrategyXtender for this portfolio: