Signal Copier settings for TradeStation 9.5


Add the _tsSignalCopier strategy to the chart you will be trading with Collective2


Format the settings for _tsSignalCopier



_tsSignalCopier Settings (1/2)


Specifies the publisher and account to which your strategy signals will be sent:

"Collective2:12345678"  (substitute your C2 system ID)

"ZuluTrade:myaccount" (substitute you ZuluTrade account name)


true: enable _tsSignalCopier link to StrategyXtender

false: disable link to StrategyXtender

TradeSymbol the symbol to be traded using the symbology of the connected service(Collective2, ZuluTrade, etc.)
SymbolType choices are "forex", "future", "stock", "option"

true: enable opening Long positions

false: disable Long positions


 true: enable opening Short positions

false: disable opening Short positions


Sets the order quantity to be used for signals at Collective2 or ZuluTrade.

0: order quantity = strategy contracts * QtyFactor

>0 : specifies the exact quantity to use for opening each order


Note: If your strategy uses position scaling, then OrderQty should be set to 0 to ensure positions at Collective2 are updated each time the strategy position increases or decreases.


If OrderQty = 0, then QtyFactor is used to calculate the signal order quantity (strategy contracts * QtyFactor). This can be helpful for


OrderQty = 0

QtyFactor = .00001

Strategy opens 100000 EUR/USD

Signal Order Quantity = 100000 * .00001 = 1



true: update stop loss at Collective2 or ZuluTrade

false: don't send stop loss updates


true: update profit target at Collective2 or ZuluTrade

false: don't send profit target updates


0 - don't create an initial profit target order when opening a position

<0,>0 - set initial profit target order this many ticks from the entry price

Note: If your strategy manages profit target orders on its own, it is recommended to set this value to 0.


0 - don't create an initial stop loss order when opening a position

<0,>0 - set initial stop loss order this many ticks from the entry price

Note: If your strategy manages stop loss orders on its own, it is recommended to set this value to 0.

 MinOrderMoveTicks The minimum number of ticks that a stop loss or profit target order must move before sending an update signal to Collective2 or ZuluTrade
BrokerSpreadTicks Average number of ticks between your TradeStation fill prices and Collective2 (or ZuluTrade) fill prices

true: don't close open positions at Collective2 or ZuluTrade when _tsSignalCopier first starts and the strategy position is flat

false: close open positions at Collective2 or ZuluTrade if the strategy position is flat when starting _tsSignalCopier


not used


>0 : the minimum buying power at Collective2 must be at least this much before accepting a new order

0: buying power is not checked


Comments to be attached to each signal sent to Collective2 or ZuluTrade


Default: 3

_tsSignalCopier will check the age of an existing strategy position. If it is older than the number of bars specified, the order will be ignored. This prevents signals being sent that are too old.


Sets the time in force for new orders:

"GTC" - Good Till Cancelled

"DAY" - Good till end of trading session


not used


not used


not used

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