ZuluTrade Settings

ZuluTrade Enabled Check to enable the Collective2 connector plugin
Login Enter your ZuluTrade login id (not an email address)

Enter your ZuluTrade account password

Active Systems

not used


Max Positions

This specifies the maximum number of positions that can be open at one time for a single system.

Default: 4

Delay Between Orders

This specifies the minimum number of seconds to wait before a new order in the same direction for a symbol can be submitted to Collective2.

Default: 60

Max. Daily Trades

The maximum number of trades that can be opened per day, starting at 00:00 UTC.

Default: 8


Your Collective2 API Key (from your Collective2 settings under "My Account")


Enter the server network address where the StrategyXtender Service is running. Normally, this "localhost" and does not need to be changed.

Default: localhost



Enter the network port for the StrategyXtender Service:

Default: 51211

Read 1909 times